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Die Cannabis Legalisierung in Deutschland kommt. Wann wird Gras legal?

Cannabis legalization is coming

With the law on the legalization of cannabis, Germany aims to chart new paths towards a more responsible approach to cannabis. In the future, adults will be allowed to cultivate cannabis privately in small quantities (up to three plants) or within non-commercial associations. Through these cultivation associations, controlled distribution of cannabis to adults for personal consumption will be permitted. Possession of up to 25 grams of cannabis will no longer be subject to legal penalties.

This is in the draft cannabis law in Germany

The expected legalization of cannabis in April 2024

Agreement on legal text: cannabis legalization to come as early as 1 April

Update (22.03.2024) Cannabislegalisierung ist durch den Bundesrat

Maximize your cannabis yields - The best methods for a successful harvest

The yields from the three plants you cultivate legally in your garden, on your balcony, or in your grow tent may fall short of your needs and those of your friends. While cannabis cultivation is not excessively difficult, becoming an experienced cannabis grower takes time. Especially at the beginning of your cannabis cultivation journey, you may have a variety of questions.

If you already have some experience in cannabis cultivation and want to take your skills to the next level, learning advanced cultivation methods can be extremely helpful. To ensure that you harness the full potential of your three plants, I have authored the book "Cannabis Training - The Best Methods for a Successful Harvest.

Umschlag-Vorderseite Kopie.webp

Paperback  133 pages


ISBN: 9798853220881

Teddy is a passionate cannabis cultivator with extensive experience in both indoor and outdoor cultivation. His primary focus is on cultivation methods that yield healthy, robust plants with maximum yields.
In his book, he introduces 24 cannabis training methods, including well-known techniques such as topping, fimming, and mainlining, as well as lesser-known methods like stem splitting and fluxing. These methods are explained in detail and illustrated with colorful images.
The book is designed for both beginners and advanced growers looking to enhance their cannabis cultivation skills. The goal is to make cultivation accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of experience. Teddy invites anyone to join him on this exciting journey and explore the fascinating world of cannabis cultivation together. With his tips and tricks, enthusiasts gain insights into the latest cultivation methods and techniques.
The combination of Teddy's experience and his clear explanations promises to provide valuable knowledge to both beginners and experienced growers, helping them perfect their skills in cannabis cultivation.

Paperback - Cannabis Training - The best methods for a successful harvest
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